Quantifying the Value of Security Investments

Electrum Cloud offers a quantitative approach to evaluate security investments. By comparing the cost-benefit ratio of different security measures with the potential impact of a breach, we help clients prioritize investments that offer the greatest return. This comprehensive approach considers a wide range of factors, including system security, network security, internal processes, resource allocation, and employee training.


Zero Trust Security

Electrum Cloud's Zero Trust-based security solutions offer advanced protection across identity, endpoints, networks, applications, and data. By adopting our solutions, businesses can significantly enhance their digital resilience and mitigate the risks associated with common attack vectors.

Data Integration and Management Platform

Electrum Cloud provides a robust data integration and management platform designed to help enterprises overcome common data challenges. Our platform enables businesses to unify disparate data sources, extract valuable insights, and prepare data for AI initiatives. By supporting a wide range of use cases like business analytics, AI model monitoring, and multi-cloud financial management, we help businesses effectively achieve their strategic goals.


Hybrid Multi-Cloud Application

Electrum Cloud empowers businesses to leverage the full potential of hybrid multi-cloud architectures. By optimizing platform utilization, ensuring uninterrupted operations, and meeting regulatory requirements, our solutions enable clients to achieve significant cost savings while mitigating vendor lock-in risks.

Zero Trust Architecture Accelerator for SMBs

Electrum Cloud's "Zero Trust Architecture Accelerator for SMBs" simplifies the process of adopting a Zero Trust security framework for small and medium-sized enterprises, even those without Active Directory. By leveraging JumpCloud and following a comprehensive security assessment, businesses can enhance their cybersecurity posture in compliance with CISA guidelines.



根據勤業眾信《2023 CxO調查:質變新時代 》報告指出,台灣 49% 千大企業已導入新興數位科技在生產製造流程,或將財會系統結合上雲或導入 AI 等升級應用,儘管如此許多企業仍尚未將數據分析發揮在決策流程上。Electrum Cloud 蔚藍雲推出數據治理加速器,協助企業根據自身數據環境建立數據治理平台,使企業充分運用數據價值以達成商業目標。


Copilot AI 聊天機器人加速器

據 McKinsey 生成式 AI 和生產力的研究發現,生成式 AI 每年有可能在全球企業利潤中創造相當於 2.6 萬億至 4.4 萬億美元的價值。對企業來說,將生成式 AI 運用在營運上已是現今重要的課題之一,思考著AI 如何與團隊合作、可應用在哪些業務領域上並發揮作用,更有越來越多的企業評估著如何與 AI 結合,打造企業專屬的 AI ChatBot。Electrum Cloud 蔚藍雲推出 Copilot 聊天機器人加速器,協助企業部署專屬的 Copilot 聊天機器人,以用於企業內部資料搜尋與回答員工的查詢。



Electrum Cloud 蔚藍雲提供「零信任資安防禦加速器」,幫助企業建構零信任之資安架構,以評估、防禦、預防三階段幫助企業判別資安成熟度,制定完善的資安防禦策略,並透過 AI 提升資安防禦韌性,克服資安人才缺乏和法規愈趨嚴格之挑戰。



在資安威脅與日俱增的時代,採用零信任架構對於想要強化資安的中小企業來說至關重要。透過實施零信任架構,企業能在符合 CISA 零信任資安建議的框架下,強化自身資安防禦韌性。
Electrum Cloud 蔚藍雲提供「中小企業零信任架構加速器」,針對沒有使用Active Directory 的中小企業,在經由專業零信任資安評估後,也可藉由導入 JumpCloud,迅速建置零信任資安架構。


FinOps 雲端財務維運加速器

根據 Forrester 2024年的調查報告中顯示,在 3,493位的受訪者中,有 58%的決策者表示已經建立 FinOps 專案團隊,另有 18% 的決策者則表示計畫在未來 12 個月內進行。 由此可見,越來越多企業正在積極尋找更有效的雲端資源治理方式,因而推動了FinOps雲端財務管理的崛起,成為企業應對雲端成本挑戰的新方法,甚至躍升成為雲端維運的新顯學。
Electrum Cloud 蔚藍雲提供「FinOps 雲端財務維運加速器」,透過自動化數據監控、實時分析與預測建模,實現精準的雲端開支管理。